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Salhouse Parish Council

The Role of a Councillor


A Councillor is a member of the Council and is normally elected for a term of four years.  People of any political or religious persuasion are eligible to become a Councillor, although their personal views should not extend into their Parish Council work. A Councillor is an unpaid voluntary role, however the Parish Clerk is a salaried employee.


They are elected to represent the interests of the local community as a whole and promote a harmonious local environment. The number of elected Councillors depends on the size of the area. In Salhouse we are able to have11 Councillors.


Local Councils are the first tier of governance and are the first point of contact for anyone concerned with a community issue. They are democratically elected local authorities and exist in England, Wales and Scotland. The term ‘local council’ is synonymous with ‘Parish Council’, ‘Town Council’ and ‘Community Council’.


The current Parish Councillors for Salhouse are listed below. If you wish to make contact with any parish councillor, please do so firstly via the Clerk.


There are currently 2 vacancies for Parish Councillors. If you are interested and would like to find out more, please contact the Clerk.


For a list of Parish Councillor's Interests, please visit Broadland District Council Parish and Town Council Register of Interests page.


The Parish Council, for 2022-23, has four working groups:  Playing Field Management Group (PFMG), Asset of Community Value (ACV), Highways & Flooding and Emergency working group.


Working groups can include members of the public.  If you would like to be a member of one of the working groups, please contact the Parish Clerk.

Salhouse Parish Councillors

Bob Cooper - Chair

I have lived in Salhouse for most of my life and will do my best for the village. Times have changed a great deal in recent years and are only going to get tougher, I will try my best to look after this village along with the rest of you all.  


Working group member - PFMG and Highways & Infrastructure



David Francomb - Vice Chair

I have lived in the village for four years, moving from Bradwell near Great Yarmouth to be closer to my daughters. Since moving here I have realised Salhouse is a wonderful and friendly village and became a Councillor to contribute to its preservation and future.

I am retired and use to work for Royal Mail for over thirty years, I have an interest in classic cars and model railways. 


Working group member - Highways & Infrastructure

Councillor Julie Redburn

Julie Redburn

I have lived in Salhouse for the last 38 years and prior to that 6 years in Norwich.  I moved to Norfolk when I married in 1974 and consider myself a local, having spent two thirds of my life here.  I am retired and feel that the time has come to take a more active role in the life of the parish.  However, I was active during my children's education being Treasurer for Salhouse Playgroup, a member of Salhouse V.C. PTA and later Broadland High School PTA.  

My interests are walking, gardening, cooking and reading.  Several friends and I have recently started The Salhouse Bell Reading Group.


Working group member - PFMG

Councillor Nick Ball

Nick Ball

I have been living in Salhouse for the last 16 years after moving from Little Plumstead. I am an artist who specialises in large sculptural works utilising materials that are discarded and redundant. My work reflects man’s wastefulness and misuse of the planet.

My particular interests in the Parish Council are the environment, conservation area, rights of way and encouraging social cohesion.      


​Working Group Member - Highways & Infrastructure


John Leathers






Councillor Andrew Peachment

Andrew Peachment

I have lived in Salhouse for 20 years, after moving from Brundall for a quite village life for our children to grow up in.

I am a marine engineer with a keen interest in all this rural.





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Gemma Hampton

I have a long-routed connection with Salhouse, which stems back to my childhood, as my Grandparent's lived in the village, then my Parent's moved here. The village has always held a special place in my heart, and I have many happy childhood memories here. Now I am a resident, I want to be involved in helping to keep the village's best interests at heart. 


Gary Browne





Working group member - PFMG and Highways & Infrastructure


Wendy Browne





Working group member - PFMG and Highways & Infrastructure







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